More projects! and back, as promised.

Today, I'm frantically getting ready for our Ladies' Retreat, sponsored by my church. Its an event that rotates around the area affiliated churches. We are expecting 75+ ladies this Saturday for our Relax, Recharge, Reboot event. We have a guest speaker, inspirational music, continental breakfast, and a yummy lunch to share while listening to other believer's testimonies to our loving God. I'm excited. I'm already tired, but somehow, He keeps me going!

I've been planning all along, but these decorations just got made. We were kind of in a holding pattern until we knew how many ladies were signing up to attend. Finally, we got to order the flowers, and make some of these things. These are for the food tables. We have a few folks with some food allergies.

These are our "vases" for our daisies. Most of the boots I found took the paint easily, but these rubber boots were sticky after, so I gave them a shot of acrylic sealer. Spray paint is my friend. (all boots soaked in bleach water prior to painting!)

My husband got on the spray paint bandwagon a bit...and we have these resin patio chairs that are still in great shape, they just needed an update. So they got it! Don't they look a million times better? And they match my patio furniture now! Colors are by Rustolem (Espresso and a shot of a copper I got for another project.) Can't wait for the rest to get done now!

So there you have it! My latest projects.....I have a couple more in store, but tomorrow is the retreat, so I'll have to share with you sometime on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend. And may God bless you!


  1. What a WONDERFUL post:) your blog Is SO inspiring and Im now following on pinterest.

    Check out my blog today….stylish Swedish fireplaces:)

    Have a great weekend dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)


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