Talk About It Tuesday

Originally uploaded by scrappysandi

Over on this blog (which I REALLY, REALLY LIKE) there is a "blog carnival" going on called Talk About It Tuesday. Its just for upbeat things you want to share. I like that concept!

So, today...something fabulous happened. My DH, BBQDude, got a permanent offer from the company he's been contracting for. I am relieved and I am thankful. We are basically making the same salary he left beind, more benefits and more vacation. Oh, and a bonus! Woo hoo! Score! Well, ok...pretty much "break even"!

It will be nice to have the extra vacation time, we might actually be able to visit Ohio, even if I don't really want to. We might be able to see Yellowstone or Mount Rushmore. That would be nice; and we wouldn't have to rush off when visiting family either.

So, after all this, turns out my DH would be able to come to the wedding with us, instead of fly BBQDude and my daughter home right after the wedding. But we didn't know. And we already bought the plane tickets. She's always wanted to fly, so perhaps that will still that little piece in her heart. I'm again behind on the Menu Planning Monday, mainly because it was Memorial Day. We had had SUCH a busy weekend. And we were just stuffed. So I made my stromboli and called it good. We had BBQDude's Famous Pulled Pork Sandwiches on Sunday and potluck later that night at church. FULL UP!

So, here's my menu:
Monday: Stromboli
Tuesday: PW's Pot Roast w/carrots, and mashed potatoes.
Wednesday: freezer meal, probably pulled pork and cole slaw; in other words: Leftover Love
Thursday: fish , going to look for a good fish recipe to put here.
Friday: Game night, I think I'm going to grill some turkey sandwiches and make a relish tray.
Saturday: BBQDude is on duty!
Sunday: who knows!

Ok on another note:

Basketc Its the Basket Carnival, over at Organizing Junkie. I LOVE looking at the storage. Her rubbermaid storage is amazing and I dream of my garage looking like that one day. My pile in the middle is slowly shrinking, and we have plans for another pantry in the garage. I think it could happen. Then I could say that we officially survived our carpet installation three years ago. At that time, we removed everything from the living room and three bedrooms of our home. It was amazing. Seven years of his stuff, of my stuff, and stuff we brought from living alone for several years. We had a baby right away, so there was no time for sorting and purging. But here we are, ten years later, and lo-and-behold...there's time. I've never taken so many trips to the women's shelter, and the youth ranch. My 2007 taxes thanked me.

At any rate, in the interest of sharing...this has SOME baskets in it. I've shared this picture before, and it doesn't look like this now (because I've actually used this space) but these are Target cubes I purchased to help my scrapping area look a little nicer. It did for awhile. I still have lots of stuff that needs to go. And be gone through. I will get there. Slow and stead wins the race. Tonight I did a little more on my kitchen. It started on the weekend with a good cleaning of the bottom drawer of my stove. My oldest daughter helped me and it was a super cool thing. She did a great job.

At any rate, here is the photo! DSC_0010


  1. Oh my I'm in love, how pretty! I could look at that all day. Thanks for linking up and sharing with us :)

  2. You are my winner! Please email me with your address and which color Card Cubby you would prefer. Thanks!

  3. Congratulations on being the winner @ Org Junkie!! Well done! :)

  4. Congrats on the Card Cubby win! I LOVE your scrap setup. I'm working on reorganizing (and purging ) mine and yours is great inspiration - TFS!!

  5. Congrats on winning the card cubby! Great scrapbooking room!


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