Post Halloween & House Update

First, let me post the good stuff. :D

This is only two of three said kids. The other one was off having a social life and promised to recreate Halloween with me today. We shall see. She overslept, didn't eat, and was generally hacked that she missed the bus.

But these two were great!

My husband took these pictures...right before we walked out the door. And in each and every one, my pirate has that string over her eye and is not smiling. Sigh. The gypsy opted for a hot pink long sleeved shirt at the last minute. By then, I didn't care one bit. Let's just get this party wagon moving!

They came home with a lot of this.....this is only about a quarter of it. I can feel my jeans getting tighter as I type.

So, as the week had been quite full of fun and frolic (ha!) I spend the morning of Halloween making sure that when you looked in our door you didn't see piles of laundry and the dog slobber. Our loving canine, Yukon, is being a pill in his old age and refuses to eat outside. Being old, its just not good for him to not his bowl is inside the front door now. He slings his food/slobber everywhere. Its disgusting, but I have soft spot for the old guy and his eye boogers.

So I hounded BBQdude into hanging the mirror, and I tried out my new window treatments.

Yes, we painted our living room/dining room/kitchen about six months ago. Yes, I've been living with bare walls. Except the vinyl bird. I had to do something! He hung this shelf and the mirror last week. You can see I've gotten right on the decorating (insert eyeroll). Its been a crazy, busy three months. I like to harass BBQdude, but I'm just as bad. I have to admit that walking in there today made it look like we tried to decorate at least. In the next picture you will see that I still have some leftovers from our previous color scheme, and some sewing to do. I should take pictures more often...because it really makes you see it through new eyes.

Yuk! That plum throw! And really that small pillow too. ICK! I can get over the pile, cuz I can move it. It was stuck there by vacuuming child, and piled with library books and drawings for me. But EW! Sheesh, how come I don't see that when I walk by? I think I want to do something to the rocking chair too. Make the green, black? Dark brown the natural? Suggestions peeps!

Have you noticed my window treatments yet? They were a blogland sensation a few months back. I got the rods on clearance, and in my garage they lived while we painted. You can see how how they are too long in the picture above this one. BBQdude thinks I should tea stain them. I was more along the lines of adding a fabric strip somewhere near the bottom. We both agreed on raising them to almost the top of the wall.

Oh, and here I get to show you my fabo find....the side table. I wandered into the Idaho Youth Ranch Thrift Store and spotted that guy. $25!!! I didn't hesitate. I love the claw feet and it has a drawer. It was bye-bye, good riddance, adios, and don't let the door hit you in the bum on the way out, to the 80's oak & glass table from my husband's prior life. Alleluia! FINALLY....I am rid of all that is 80's hell wrapped up in oak. Should I paint it? I need to do something over there.

So, I beg ask for some lamps and clocks from my parents, and they let me have them. Of course. Actually, they have so much stuff, it doesn't matter one bit to them. To me, its fond memories. That lamp sat on my father's desk for most of my life. It only recently retired to the bedroom, for necessity's sake. I can't decide if I should paint it or not....its forrest green. It would be lovely any other color. I think that says I've decided to paint it. I unplug this lamp to vacuum a lot, and every time I think that it's maker never would have imagined halogen bulbs in it. I hope it doesn't freak out. Yeah, I'm weird. At any rate, the lamp makes me happy every time I see it....and yes, that is my geeky little Girl Scout Brownie self in the picture. I need to do something about that picture. It was just there when I cleaned up my table.

So there you have it. The boring life of a stay at home mom without the bon bons.

These guys say "buh-bye"!


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