Once there was a girl, who had a little blog...

...who completely ignored it for over a month!

Eh. Well, all you moms know how that first month of school is SUCH an adjustment. After you've basically goofed off for 2.5 months, except for vacation planning and child entertainment, (yeah, right...goofed off my patookie!) you've lost your groove. So, the blog suffereth. ;P

Everyone is safely back in school. Bean has started junior high, and has already lost about eight thousand things. You think I jest? Let's see....one gym shoe (yes, one), gym lock, math book, sweatshirt,concert music,and audition music. Ok so maybe, 8K was a slight exageration. Her father has given her a once a month "Get Out of Jail Free" card by saying he will deliver items to her exactly once a month, no more. But I made the mistake of calling my mother and mentioning that Bean had left her gym clothes behind this morning, after a late night desperation washing. I wasn't going to take them. Then I talked to my mother. Sigh. My mother loves my children more than she loves me, so she poured on the guilt about how they had rescued me with keys to a locked car, empty gas tanks and such. I rememinded her that that had not happend more than twice, and if I had left my gym clothes behind, I new better than to call my mother. Because there is NO WAY she would have brought them to me. She chuckled, but the seeds were sewn.

Doesn't she look sweet? Don't let her fool you. ;)  She's acutally a lovely girl. I'm very proud of her most of the time. Sometimes, when she spills cat water across my dining room and leaves it like fairies are coming to clean it up, I'm not as proud. But hey, she came by her lack of cleaning skills through DNA. Mine. My mom...neat freak, obviously, I was adopted.

So, if you are a seasoned mom, you know that "Wow, I've gone back to school!" feeling when your kids ask for help with homework. And by help, I mean that you have to read the whole book to figure out what the heck they are supposed to be doing. Last year I had a ton of "help me with history" which really meant, "read this and tell me the answers". Um. No. This year, we have some forced reading, but everything else seems manageable. BlingBling has lots of work this year. All the normal math, spelling, history, reading...and she's added an instrument, flute. Its become our family instrument. Thank you, Cousin Donna, all those years ago for making me want to be smart and competent like you. Now my daughters are following in my footsteps. At least two of them so far.

So, I think Bling may have switched horses, even if she just started flute in June. On Saturday, we went to this:

And we saw some of this...

.........which was cool, but she followed the drum majors more than the musicians. Which is just fine. I am just more than curious how this will unfold.

Anyhow, that's my excuse. And I'm stickin' to it. Life should get back to pretty dull here soon. Auditions will be over, uniforms have been fitted, ordered, arrived, and now its time for Halloween. In the meantime, its getting cooler and the warmer clothing must come out.  Its that crazy time of year.


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