See this face?

This is the face of a killer. Right now, he is meowing mercilessly at me from the hallway.

But, he's in lockdown. You see, this face wants birds. And mice.

And I do NOT want mice, or birds for that matter.I especially do not want them in the house. And I'm a little tired of rescuing them to Kleenex boxes.

Birdies, hear my words. Do not nest in the tree across the street. There is a killer about. He thinks you are better than balls with bells and sticks with strings. Yet, every year you persist. We try to help you out, but there is only so much we can do. And we are not the only killer owners. There are stray killers, and other outside killers. I'm not even certain that squirrels like you that much.


  1. He is soo cute! I have two doggies and I love cats, too, but I am allergic...


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