A Day in Pictures

Sooooo....yesterday was quite a day. It had some really nice fun moments, but then kinda went south.

First, we just had the normal band practice. But it was at a different locations, a few minutes further away. Then we had to have something "animal print" to wear. I needed to make dinner. And I went on a small shopping trip with my friend. I got a great broomstick skirt for under $10, and a pair of white shoes for next year (for one of my girls) $5, and a Christmas gift (pair of boots, also girls) for $14! Score! And my friend, and fellow band mom, gave me a bag of outgrown clothing for my youngest. Score again! Snickerdoodle is thrilled, and wants to wear everything in one day.

So....took kids to the pool, ran for quick stop for groceries, locked keys in the house on the return. Someone didn't put the spare back, and I was due to pick up kids at the pool. Hubs ran by, opened the garage door, I ran to get kids, came home, sewed headbands, let them snack/shower, and loaded up to the concert.

After concert....dinner, and home. Home to find my fridge had been left open for four hours! UGH. What a day!

So...if you are still reading, I wasn't really shocked to find today starting out with this little fellow. Louie decided to leave us a gift. He's so thoughtful.

As you can see, our visitor, Toby, is very curious. And excited about the camera. He barked at me a lot.

I dunno why animal eyes always look like this. Crazy possessed aliens. But really they are just pets.

So, I stepped outside, on my errand to Home Depot. To this bit of loveliness. Sometimes, I think God just says, "Hey you! Smile!" So I did.

Ok. finally at my destination.

And left with this. I got chalkboard paint, a spare piece of drywall for the the "board" part, paint for my dining room light fixture, river rocks for my garden, solar lights for my flower garden, bug bite stuff for camp, insect spray for my front door area, and Shout for my laundry stains. Now I need to get to work. And so do my girlies.

More of my truly exciting (to me, because I have no where to go!) day to come. I'm wearing my camera today!


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