A Day in Pictures, part two

And I'm back.

So after some serious Facebook poking, and getting angry with my tween, I'm back to share just a portion of what is going on today in La Casa Dawson.

Don't be jealous.

I know. Its a thrill a minute.

See that towel on top? (yeah, I'm a little ADD, just go with it.) It was this beautiful aqua Nautica towel. I got it on sale or with a coupon or something because the color was just lovely. I got one and was gradually going to purchase more. I'm SO glad I did not. See the pukey color it is now!? I just washed it like I wash all my other (Costco) towels who still look nice, even in their tattered states. I am seriously consider going to all white towels. How easy it would be to just throw them all in with some bleach and come out looking great and spa-like.

Stay tuned. More white-knuckle house cleaning and maintenance to come!


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