Its 6 a.m.

....and I'm up, after a long night of 12 y/o girl sleepovers. My hubs is snoring, so I had to get up. I could not get him to roll over. So I snuck out into the "sleeping area" and made a cup of coffee. Soon I will have to start breakfast for the hungry mob, so I need my joe.

Already my mind is on finishing projects. But in all honesty, I need to clean my bedroom. The rest of the house has been polished and shined for company, but its our bedroom that suffers. Specifically our closet.Ick. So when the birthday girl recovers from her party, she can help with the mess (ah, a lesson in the making about why we don't have parties more often), and I can purge my closet. Its supposed to rain, and if I get done....I might play with fabric!

I've already pieced BlingBling's top, as mentioned in my last  post. So I wanted to share this with my .33 readers. :D

And there she is. My planning wasn't so fabo. But I kind of like it that way. Is that weird? This is an almost twin sized quilt, for the top bunk of a bunk bed. Now I'm debating appliqueing a bright colored flower on top. Lime? Red? Hot pink? I just think it needs something. but maybe a  patterned or stripped binding would do the trick on its own. Who knows. I really love this patten.

So if you have any luck in your pockets...wish that I have a productive day with no fighting between siblings who haven't slept enough...:D 


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