Somtimes somthing just jogs your memory...and its a good one.
So I went on a scrapbooking friends retreat a few weeks ago. Good golly, it was sooooo fun. I didn't take a SINGLE PICTURE. Not one, but I'm hoping I can snag some from someone who did. (wink, wink, you know whom you are!) I have never heard such laughing and carrying on. Its just good for the soul. My friend, Lark, she is most amazing. She cooked for us all. She LIKES it. Trust me, we tried to butt in. She has the same disease as my husband I think; food = love. Its a sad, sad tale that is best told by my behind.
At any rate....we hung out and played with paper, caught up on rest, enjoyed a summer rain storm, watched tv, listened to music...basically did whatever we wanted. The second day we went to m friend, Michele's shop, Scrappin' Girlfriends. Oh my heck....what a cute shop she has. It makes me happy to just walk in the door. Not only because Michele is so wonderful and friendly. But because her art is there...and her co-owner's art.....the art...ahhhhhhh. Inspiring. Love it all. I gotta say...God knew what he was doing when He gave her those abilities. She has put them to very, very good use. here's the memory jogging part.
So we're getting gas or something on my drive to the retreat. I have with me my good friends, Nej and Frank (a girl, don't get any ideas.) its hot, but not scorching so the window is down...I get out, and promptly brush the lock with my arm and lock the door. I have a flashback. Its me, mild summer day, baby BlingBling in the car. I'm getting gas. I get out, the door is locked when I go to get back in. she was a toddler..and Snickerdoodle was the baby. I have to enlist toddler to unlock her carseat (which she's been told NEVER to do), and to unlock my door, which, she's also never done. I REALLY don't want to call the fire department, but I will, because I know its warm in there with no air. She can hardly hear me because the windows are up. Snickerdoodle is still snoozing. So I finally talk her into taking off her carseat belts...then crawling up to the front seat, then it dawns on me that the keys are still in there, and I just hope she doesn't see them, because well, you just never know. I'm telling her to push the buttons to auto unlock, but she keeps pushing the window one. So I switch her to pulling up the little knob, its too hard. Keep trying...keep trying....people are starting to notice, but no one has come to help yet...and just as someone starts walking over....she gets it! yay! All is well, and we go on our way.
Fast forward. One week. I do it AGAIN! .....she remembers how to help and its all good. LOL
Why is this a GOOD MEMORY you ask? Because....I figured out how it happened this weekend! lol
Nevermind that BlingBling is now NINE! :d Somehow, my elbow just slides across there and locks it. Its smooth and I don't really notice.
Don't you love a good mystery? Ok mommy mysteries are boring to the single-childless, and tragically hip folks....but the mommies. They'll get it.
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