Back to Menu Plan Monday!
Oh yes, I've been a naughty (noddy ;) ) girl.....just barely menu planning. Scratching it down on a piece of paper, and running to the store, briefly passing through my garage pantry to see if I already own anything on the list. So here, here I am....back to that time of year where payments on summer camp, yearbooks, and swimsuits come to frolic in my wallet. And with that, comes menu planning to save those dollars for good summer fun and some sanity for mommy.
Now, that's not to say that I've not been hitting the bargains. I don't know what is going on at our local Bert's, but they've had baskets full of goodness at the front of the store. I got disposable cameras for camp, for a buck! Some expensive conditioners....they rang up at $1.25! So I'm still watching and gathering, looking ahead.
Ok. So, my big menu for this week includes:
MONDAY: Spaghetti Carbonara, salad
TUESDAY: cheapie lunch out w/my girls, and then teriyaki grilled chicken salad w/low fat honey mustard dressing.
WEDNESDAY: the kids want tacos. I think I can do tacos.
THURSDAY: Leftover loving!
FRIDAY: We have a music program in the afternoon, so I'm thinking homemade pizza.
SATURDAY: usually the man cooks, but if there's lots of leftovers, I'll talk him into that.
SUNDAY: Isn't is MOTHER'S DAY?.....actually there is a luncheon for the moms/daughters at church, so I might be off the hook.
The weeks' lunches will be ham & cheese sandwiches on hamburger buns, or turkey hot dogs. I have a bazillion buns left and NO freezer space. I really need to clean out the freezer.
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