I love the coffee.
Sometimes, its all the keeps me moving before 9:30 a.m. Especially having to clean up cat upchuck before 7:30 a.m. I'm seriously suspect of my cat's health now, but time will tell. Sadly, I will have to be the one to take her if she has to be put down. I can't have it happen the way it has in the past. I just wasn't strong enough.
So, anyhow...I had this completely fascinating bible study last night. The amount of linear evidence is so amazing. If you just read and listen, its just so clear. I'm enjoying it. And it appeals to the way I was taught in the public school system back in the day. I like it.
Next topic. I'm all over the map today.
So, Oprah has been the talk on the bewb tube lately. About her 40 lbs. Oy. She's over fifty....she still looks pretty good. So she's not the hard body she was a few years back. Yeah....your body does age. Could she be healthier, yeah, probably, but I don't get why its NEWS! Just do it....I guess she's a role model (roll? hehe...I crack myself up!) So perhaps that's why its all over and she talked about it. I dunno...the whole Hollywood gang really makes me laugh lately. I mean really...this is NEWS?
On that note...I'm looking into WLS. Just educating myself. I'm sick of my fat getting in the way. And I think I need to force my hand. KWIM? There are some very inspiring people out there in WLS-land. Some who have bigger problems than I. I just want a better life. And I'm tired of this struggle. I'm tired of the waffling and flailing for years upon end. Do poorly. Now that my ablation is done, and I think I might be getting more energy and able to fight off infections better.....why not?
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