Oh So Behind....

First Day of School
Originally uploaded by scrappysandi

Look at these happy faces. Ready for a warm weather first day of school. Aren't we cute? (Mom, do we have to sit here while everyone is going off to class? We need to be there FIRST!)

So, yeah...that was August.

We've hit the ground running ever since.

Back to school night.

Harvest Celebration.

Grand Opening of new building at church.

Grandparents visiting, great-grandma staying for 3 weeks!

Basketball practice every morning.

Basketball games twice a week.

Halloween costumes to sew.

Cake decorating classes to attend.

Birthday thrown in for good measure.

Some of it I did to myself...some of it was just thrown at me. But I see the air above and I'm resurfacing.

In the meantime, I'll share my photos!


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