I just had to say that, because its what I just heard from the front room. Stooooop, Bean! Grumpy kids, not enough sleep going on here.
I really wanted to get on here and ask how many of my two readers menu plan and do you ALWAYS follow your plan? I don't mean just mixing it up....I mean completely deviate from it.
I did make the Indonesian PB review: Will make again! We added some stir fried veggies and I made a batch of this Peanut Sauce because when the chicken was finished there just wasn't enough sauce for the noodles. (I served it with some egg noodles I had, because we are eating from the freezer/pantry for two weeks; one week to go!) There are leftovers of this for tonight.
So, I have not made any of the other stuff. Because we had an influx of eggs and bacon due to the B1G1 free deal at the store, we had breakfast one night (waffles, eggs, and bacon.) Another night I made pizza from some frozen bread dough in the freezer. Its good and provided us with lunch yesterday and today. Last night I made Tater Tot Casserole, because I just felt like something old and familiar. We did have a nice fresh salad with it, to cancel out all the carbs and grease. :D
I did cut the onions for MM"s Fav. Sandwich, last night. So we might have that. I have to hit up the bread store anyhow. Oh, and can I just comment on the blessing that is the Eddie's Bread Store? I have saved gazillions of dollars (ok, not quite that much) on bread there. The bread I used to eat is like $3.60 at the grocery Eddie's I can get it for .89. I <3 Eddie's.
So anyhow...if you dont' mind commenting upon my question:
Do you totally deviate from your menu plan now and then?
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