Keepin' it real.....really!

Hall Closet Before
Originally uploaded by scrappysandi
This is my hall closet. Today's project. I'm doing so much organizing of my house this month. I've completely burnt myself out on paper and creating, so I needed another outlet, I think.

Earlier in May, I organized my medication cabinet in my kitchen, leaving only daily meds on the bottom shelf. The rest of the cold medicine and stuff we don't use daily, are now sorted into their own bins and labeled. I have them sitting on my bathroom counter, but I want them to go into this closet.

I've read so many organizing and housekeeping blogs that suggest storing sheets in the room they belong. So I think I'm going that route in an effort to make my medicine storage dreams come true. ;)

So these are my "before" photos...and later today, the "afters" will be posted. I have just a couple days left of kid free organization, so I want to get this one done. Any suggestions appreciated, BTW.

Hall Closet Games Before
Originally uploaded by scrappysandi



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