Meeting new friends!

Frank and Heidi
Originally uploaded by scrappysandi

Hey, here is my friends, Frank and Heidi! I had never met Heidi before (except online) but we both got invited to a retreat put on by a mutual friend! It was super cool to meet her! Hi Heidi!!!!

And there's Frank, with her new babe! He's a dollface and was super good inspite of being passed around by all his new "aunts". He was a good boy even with an upset tummy!

We had a great time that weekend! Chef Lark was at her best and we pigged! She even made ice cream! I've already made one of her outstanding recipes for my DH and he really enjoyed it.

It has taken me forever to get these photos off the card, and posted. Its just been one whirlwind after another. We have some big time family stuff going on and our support is very needed. I'm glad I went away to this retreat when I still had a moment; now all I'm doing is worrying. (and dog sitting).

Originally uploaded by scrappysandi

This is the beautiful kitchen where we stayed. It was a very lovely small place. I just wanted pictures becaue I loved the way it was decorated!

Look at the bedroom! I have to remember that no one lives here. So there are no toys, no homework, and no dirty socks. I want to move in!

Originally uploaded by scrappysandi

It was wonderful...thank you Chef Lark and your helpers.

There were some very interesting moments while we were there. Here's one now:

Nipple Light
Originally uploaded by scrappysandi

The Bum
Originally uploaded by scrappysandi

And here's another. Can you imagine what was said? hmmmmm


  1. What kind of freak would let you take a pic of their bee-hind! Sheesh! The people in this world.....


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