Today is a GOOD day!

Today is a GOOD day!

I get to go over to my friend's house (the one that was mad at me....I'm ever so tickled we kissed & made up!) and stamp! Its not long, it won't be the hours we usually spend....but its something! I have some swaps due. So its a very good thing, to quote Martha. And I get to see my friend and her kiddos.

I know I've seen this blog before, SusieStampAlot, but I was over on SCS and rediscovered it. Which is so good, since I've lost all my blog links due to taking our hard drive to CA for my mom (long, old story). I haven't bothered trying to find them again, yet. Anyhow, this girl can stamp & put together a card! Love, love, love her work. So today, I'm going to try to copy her techniques. :D

My DH is less than happy with me right now. He's left to go paint the inside of the new church building. This building has been in progress since the fall of 2007. biggie. Except its being constructed on the absolute minimum budget imaginable. Lots of the work has either been donated by friends/family/members of the church, or we've gotten bids for. The Pastor's next door neighbor agreed to do the sheetrock for free....including the taping and texturing. The congregation was set to paint this weekend so that the electricians, etc could come in next week and do their thang. Well, the taping/texturing guy got sick, and had his real job, and supposedly he and his friends did it last night, ALL NIGHT.  DH just left to check it out and possibly paint. It rained last night, so will it be dry?

Anyhow, rewind to yesterday when I asked him what his plans were, because I really wasn't sure. I wanted to spend some time with my buddy...and stamp! He didn't have a problem with the afternoon...ok great. So, got with my friend who has some plans for a banquet in the evening, and set up a time. Now, he wants me to push my thing back an hour. And I can't because she has a banquet. He won't let me drop off the kiddos to play there for 45 minutes while he cleans up. (Probably because of the rain.) So, I am sorry he'll just have to leave earlier. I know its just stamping, but I haven't seen my friend in a month! The problem is, he is the only volunteer that we know of today. There might be another couple. I hope there is another couple. I know there will be a lady coming in after work if there is anything left to do at that point. I'm sorry honey! I didn't make the wonky schedule! I would go to paint too, if I didn't have the kiddos.

Ok...I was gonna share this card I made waaaaaay back in 2001. So funny! But it won't insert a picture for me for some reason. Technical glitch. I'll try again later! Get ready to giggle!


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