Monday, Monday...
Kids are out the door, well, two of three. And the last one is snoozing on the couch behind me. I have not been sleeping well. At all. And the girls aren't helping with that. Much sleepwalking and bad dreaming keeping the house active at night.
Most of it has to do with my DH's impending layoff date. July 18th. That is the day. The end of 13 years of loyal service. Its not all been a bed of roses for him, so we're not exactly sad about the end; the company has been a good thing for our family. Lived in a way would could not have otherwise. He seems okay with it all. Me? I'm not good with this type of change. I was good until a seemingly really good offer came in from a local company. I so want him to be happy, and this company seems like a really awesome fit. Drawbacks? The initial offer is not what it should be. I know, I know....there's a reason its the "initial offer". I could not to the negotiating needed. It makes me a nervous wreck!
I'd been watching Good Morning America's series called "Boot Camp For Your Life". And it had a segment on how women don't negotiate well and therefore, end up with lower salaries. That has so been my experience. I didn't even know I SHOULD negotiate. Someone needs to do a class or something in high school or college. Maybe they could call it, "How to Get the Sh*t You Want"....:D
(more in a minute. I'm getting my DH out the door.)
So anyhow, I'm having nightmares and not sleeping well. On Saturday night, I dreamed that we had to move back into my old apartment. In my dream it was new and improved. But still the tiny two bedroom with a tiny, tiny kitchen. We are in no danger of losing our home....but wow. I've just had my world stability shaken. I'm just not good with change, like I thought I was. Maybe its a sign of getting older.
I'm praying for my DH and his dilemma. It has to be hard.
Other stuff:
Here is a photo of something I made for our charity auction.
I was amazed that it brought in $58 for the Idaho Special Olympics! Yay me!
and here are my girls! The ones who keep me sane!
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